International Patients

Aevitas Fertility Clinic is a progressive, innovative and research-orientated fertility centre of excellence.

We are dedicated to the treatment of human infertility by offering our patients the latest industry knowledge and the most advanced technologies in the world, encapsulated in a genuinely caring environment and dedicated passionate staff.

Aevitas for French speaking patients Aevitas for Portuguese speaking patient Aevitas for Mandarin speaking patients
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Meet our Fertility Specialists
Prof Thinus Kruger Aevitas Fertility Clinic Prof Thinus Kruger Founder and Fertility Specialist at Aevitas Fertility Clinic Biography
Prof Igno Siebert Aevitas Fertility Clinic Prof Igno Siebert Director and Fertility Specialist at Aevitas Fertility Clinic Biography
Dr Victor Hulme - Aevitas Fertility Clinic Dr Victor Hulme Director and Fertility Specialist at Aevitas Fertility Clinic Biography
Dr Gerhard Hanekom Aevitas Fertility Clinic Dr Gerhard Hanekom Director and Fertility Specialist at Aevitas Fertility Clinic Biography
Creating a family is one of the most exciting phases of life, which is why the Aevitas fertility specialists, embryologists and nurses are so passionate about our work. Following a consultation with your fertility doctor which can be in person or online, treatment recommendations will be discussed. Treatment may include addressing factors affecting fertility e.g., lifestyle factors or medical conditions such as endometriosis. In addition to this, a range of fertility treatment options are available to you based on your doctor’s recommendation. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Ovulation Induction
  • AI (Artificial insemination) / IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination)

Ovulation Induction

Following a thorough evaluation of you and your partner, as well as some additional diagnostic tests, your Aevitas fertility doctor may recommend Ovulation Induction. This treatment includes hormone stimulating tablets used to stimulate the ovaries to assist with conception. During this process your fertility doctor might order additional blood tests and require you to come for ultrasound scans to monitor the process.

Time: Average of 5 days of hormone treatment and a 30 minute visit to the Aevitas Clinic for monitoring.

International - Treatments Ovulation Induction
International - Treatments AI and IUI

AI (Artificial insemination) / IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination)

Following a consultation with your Aevitas Fertility doctor and a range of tests, AI, also known as, IUI may be recommended. This treatment includes Ovulation Induction which is followed by an HCG injection which induces the release of the egg into the womb. Artificial Insemination then follows with your partner- or donor sperm.

Time: Average of 5 days of hormone treatment and a 30-minute visit to Aevitas Clinic for monitoring. The procedure itself is performed at the clinic and takes only 15 minutes.


Following a thorough investigation with your Aevitas fertility doctor, ICSI or IVF may be recommended. During IVF and ICSI, eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilised in the laboratory with sperm. After a number of days, the fertilised eggs (embryos) are transferred to the womb to develop and grow.

Time: Average of 10 days of hormone treatment, which will require you to come to the clinic on average twice during this period for monitoring. This is followed by ova aspiration and embryo transfer (scheduled a few days apart from each other) which are both 15min procedures performed at Aevitas.

International - Treatments ICSI and IVF
International - Treatments Donor Eggs and Sperm

Treatment with donor Sperm and or Eggs

In some instances donor egg or sperm may be necessary to help make your dream of a family a reality. Aevitas Fertility Clinic offer a wide selection of qualified, sporty, smart sperm and egg donors for you to choose from, along with the support needed to make this important decision.


In some instances, it may be necessary for a surrogate to carry your baby during pregnancy. Aevitas Fertility Clinic works closely with a legal team who specialises in fertility law who are able to advise on the laws of your own country, pertaining to surrogacy in South Africa.

International - Treatments Surrogacy

Gynaecological and Endoscopic surgery

As world leaders in non-invasive gynaecological and Endoscopic surgery, the Aevitas Fertility Doctors use the latest equipment and surgical practices to investigate and, where possible, repair any damage to fertility organs.

Time: This may vary from a 30 min procedure done in Aevitas’ day clinic under conscious sedation to procedures performed under general anaesthetics within Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital requiring hospitalisation for ½ - 1 day.

International - Treatments Surgery


New Patient Consultation Costs R 2 700 (2024 prices)

Treatment Costs can only be discussed after your consultation with an Aevitas fertility specialist, once we know which treatment option will be most suitable for you. An AI cycle cost is R 7 300 (excluding medication). An IVF cycle costs approximately +/- R 73 000 (excluding medication).

Additional costs might apply as part of an IVF cycle, depending on your treatment requirements, and could include semen analysis, semen freezing, donor sperm, donor eggs and freezing of embryos. These costs will be discussed with you by your fertility doctor.

Planning Your visit

Step 1:
Contact Aevitas for a telephonic, zoom or skype consultation.

Book a Teleconsult

Step 2: Visit your local gynaecologist to perform the recommended tests, the results of which will be assessed by your Aevitas Fertility Doctor.

Step 3: Book your second telephonic, zoom or skype consultation. At this consultation your Aevitas Fertility Doctor will discuss the results from the tests and recommend a treatment plan.

Step 4: Book your trip:
Dependent on your treatment plan, your trip to Aevitas in Cape Town will involve a stay anywhere from 6 to 14 days. The time required for you to be in Cape Town will be discussed with your Aevitas Fertility Doctor as part of your second telephonic consultation.

Aevitas Clinic International patients - Planning your visit

Fertility Trip Resources

To assist you in planning your fertility trip to Aevitas Fertility Clinic we have recommended some accommodation and interpreting references.
The Aevitas team are fluent in English and Afrikaans, however should you need an interpreter one can be arranged for you at an additional cost.


Medical tourism packages
Surgical Bliss
Contact Details:

Phone: +27 82 857 4414

Recommended platforms for finding and booking accommodation online:
Citi Lodge

Interpreting Services

Directory for variation of interpreters

For a range of interpreting services in different languages, which include French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Spanish etc visit MFLA's website

French interpreter

Contact Name: Jacqueline Spiers
Contact Details:
The expert Aevitas Fertility Team look forward to welcoming you to
South Africa as we work together to make your family dreams a reality.

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