Windhoek Fertility Clinic

Aevitas Fertility Clinic in collaboration with Windhoek IVF Clinic

The world-renowned Aevitas Fertility Specialists provides treatment from and in partnership with Windhoek IVF Clinic. Together we are passionate about helping you to have the child you long for. We journey with our patients to make that dream a reality. If you are struggling to fall pregnant get in touch with us today.

The pregnancy rate of patients visiting the Windhoek clinic is on par with international standards.
Windhoek Fertility Clinic Windhoek Fertility Clinic

Cost effective treatment available at Windhoek Fertility Clinic

For many patients, the struggle to fall pregnant is frightening and frustrating, but there is hope! Having helped thousands of patients from all over the world to fall pregnant and have the child they long for, our team works with state-of-the-art treatment practices and technology, combined with compassionate fertility care.

Endoscopic Surgery
As a referral centre for gynaecological endoscopic surgery, we provide patients with sophisticated surgical solutions. If you have been struggling with pain, symptoms or have been diagnosed with a condition (such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, adhesions, recurrent miscarriages etc.,) that requires surgical care our team is here to help.
Falling Pregnant
If having a child is a dream you are struggling to make a reality, then get in touch with our team today. We specialize in IVF and fertility treatments. Our team will journey with you in fulfilling your dream of having a child.
Egg Freezing
You may want to preserve your fertility for personal reasons (if you are not ready to have a family right now) or for medical reasons. Fertility preservation is an import way to protect your dream of having a child in the future.

Meet our team of fertility experts

Professor Igno Siebert
Prof Siebert, Aevitas Director, is internationally recognized for teaching of endoscopic surgery with a special interest in IVF.

He is passionate about helping patients to fulfil their dream of having a child.

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Dr Riaan van der Colf
With a special interest in Reproductive Medicine, endocrinology and endoscopic surgery, Dr van der Colf has been working with patients in Windhoek since 1990.

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Dr Tomé Honing
As a qualified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Tomé Honing is passionate about subfertility and endoscopic surgery.

She is passionate about subfertility related issues including anovulation, male subfertility, unexplained infertility, fertility preservation.

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Dr Melanie Smith
Dr Melanie Smith obtained her medical degree (MBChB) from the University of Stellenbosch and proceeded to complete her studies in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Within the field of fertility, Dr Smith has a specialist interest for advanced endoscopic surgery, assisting patients to address conditions affecting fertility.

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What our patients have to say

“Having a child together has been our dream since we married 10 years ago. We had tried all sorts of treatments before being referred to the Windhoek IVF clinic where Professor Siebert helped us to have a child through IVF treatment. Words cannot express the happiness we feel in completing our family with the beautiful daughter we have been blessed with.”
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