Cost effective treatment available at Windhoek Fertility Clinic
For many patients, the struggle to fall pregnant is frightening and frustrating, but there is hope!
Having helped thousands of patients from all over the world to fall pregnant and have the child they long for, our team works with state-of-the-art treatment practices and technology, combined with compassionate fertility care.
Endoscopic Surgery
As a referral centre for gynaecological endoscopic surgery, we provide patients with sophisticated surgical solutions. If you have been struggling with pain, symptoms or have been diagnosed with a condition (such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, adhesions, recurrent miscarriages etc.,) that requires surgical care our team is here to help.
Falling Pregnant
If having a child is a dream you are struggling to make a reality, then get in touch with our team today. We specialize in IVF and fertility treatments. Our team will journey with you in fulfilling your dream of having a child.
Egg Freezing
You may want to preserve your fertility for personal reasons (if you are not ready to have a family right now) or for medical reasons. Fertility preservation is an import way to protect your dream of having a child in the future.
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