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Donor Egg Recipient

Donor Egg Recipient: why and how?

Many reasons exist why someone might have deminished quantity or quality eggs and this is often a cause of infertility. Couples are then faced with the decision to become a donor egg recipient (‘adopt an egg’). Alternatively, they may choose to adopt a child. This decision is made through counselling from the fertility specialist and clinical psychologist (if required). Furthermore, it is very important that the decision to ‘adopt an egg’, is a decision made by the couple.

Once the couple decides to proceed with ‘adopting an egg’, a couple is matched with a donor. These donor eggs are then used in combination with IVF treatment, to result in a successful pregnancy. Couples also have the choice of using fresh vs frozen eggs. Feel free to view the options Aevitas currently has available in our frozen egg bank.
The choice to become a mother is to become one of the greatest spiritual leaders there is

Donor egg recipient - indications
The following circumstances may lead a woman to become a donor egg recipient:

- Premature ovarian failure / early menopause
- Absence of ovaries or after chemotherapy
- Repeated IVF failure
- A risk of passing on genetic disease (in the case that the PGD-test – genetic profiling of embryos prior to implantation – is not an option)
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